+1 on evidence and a little additional thought.
I have Evidence Lyric HG, Melody, and monorail. The later of the two are used in patch cables. With monorail, Neutrix are the best option because of cable width. With Melody, I use switchcraft and mark them (started making my own cables) with red shrink wrap because, unlike the monorail, they are directional. My only gripe with the Neutrix is that the plugs are longer and this sometimes matters on tight spaces on a pedal board. Otherwise, I can't see/hear any performance difference. If you make your own cables, the monorail is A LOT easier to work with than the Melody.
I like the Lyric for all the same reasons as Scott, so I wont bother with that. My wild card cable is a Van Den Hul which I bought because of pure OCD and couldn't live another day without knowing if it was better in some way than everything else

, but deserves a laugh all the same. Anyhow, it too is a terrific cable, but the difference between it and an Evidence Lyric is 90% cost, 8% improved flexibility, and 2% sonic (which is more due to subtle difference than improvement.
The other cable I have recently used was a Cornish and I do prefer the sonics (albeit subtle) of the Evidence, but the Cornish is also exceptional and is the best "performing" cable I have ever used. What I mean is that it is flexible and works well if you are moving around while playing.
Lastly, I'm with Scott again on using the Evidence cables for Amp to Cab, they do make an audible difference to me. Big thing on the Evidence, they take time to break in so you really need to give them 50 to 100 hours before you can accurately judge them.