Looking forward to meeting some folks!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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\analoghog wrote:believe it or not, this is the first chance for me to sit down and write a review after the shootout...so here we go..
i play a strat thru a Marshall 1962 offset re-issue head( KT66 tubes ) into a late 70's blackback Celestion 30H's bottom...these are my thoughts on the new MP line...
first the Mellow Yellow Tremolo...Wow!..that pretty much sums it up...i'm not a trem guy, but this sounds frick'n killer...that was pretty much the sentiment of everybody who tried it at our shootout party too...smooth, organic sounding waves...lots of control over the trem with the 3 knobs...it almost gets Vibe-ish at times...if your even remotely thinking of getting a Tremolo, you will Love this pedal!...great job Bjorn!
next the Fire Red Fuzz....this one lies between the CAF and the PPF....not as heavy and mean as the CAF, and not as light as the PPF...the FRF is in the middle somewhere...the term i like to use is Woolly, or Thick comes to mind...it is very musical fuzz, my only concern is i found it lacking some mids...other than that, it was a great sounding addition to the BJ fuzz family....
Finally the Sky Blue Overdrive....Bjorn, this is the Jewel in the BJFE/MP crown...OH! my goodness....this one will propel BJ to the masses...simpily put, it is the Best OD!...we compared the SBOD to everything we had in the store and it beat everything!...even with the gain cranked, it remained clear and rang like a bell...sell what you must, but everybody needs to get this OD!...it was the runaway winner at the shootout...
thanks to everybody who came out...i had a blast....i would love to do it again...Ron said we could use his store again, so who knows...
best of luck to you all....and go buy a SBOD!
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