First off, let me say a BIG thanks to Donner for sending the PH streaming across state lines for us all to check out..very cool, helpful, and appreciated

Well, just by itself, run straight into the Matchless SC-30 and 2x12 cab with Celestions with my Peavey Wolfgang, I liked it straight off the bat. Even though it was designed for single coils, the frequency and resonance at which it's voiced is very pleasing to play through with 'buckers.
There is that sort of "bounce" I call it, that I would describe how it feels, as opposed to say a more hi fi, or neutral tone...and that's not to say it's hyped or exaggerated at all either. There's just this presence about how it translates, and this is exactly how I would describe how I hear the SBEQ(though I didn't yet play around with both together).
With it run into the SHOD and the SYOD, although I found the tones happening, for me, they are on the darker side, and a little too muddy. I do have a single coil Strat style guitar that I will play through it this week. I'm most sure, hearing where and how it's boosting, that it will fatten the single coil slice up nicely.
Run into the drives though, I do hear that psuedo Jimmy Page, hollow-ish cocked/fixed wah tone going on with the PH pushed further and further CW...and,
that's what I mean about the way it's voiced from what I'm hearing...more musical like a wah inductor/circuit, and not just a literal translation of that frequency range, and, in just the right amount. It's a very specific thing.
I've had the Cornish ST-2 EQ booster, and I will say it is quite excellent at what it does, and is definitely more hi fi, though still plenty musical. Subsequently, if I had to call it, I would say that the SBEQ "colors" the sound by comparison.
However, I would say more specifically that it is not by much, and it's really more of that presence/resonance about how the frequencies are being expressed in the SBEQ, and for me, I find it in that way, is really more musical than the ST-2, and then especially for the price difference.
That's also how as mentioned, I hear the PH doing it's thing...just like the "sheen" in the boosting properties of the Minivibe, and that "lift" that you get with Baby Pink that just begs you to dig in.
I'm sure that's something very intentional on Bjorn's part and we are all grateful for that...more to follow.