No need to worry about me taking the lack of sellers personally. I saw another buyer on here that had no luck as well. I expected it to be difficult to track down. I must admit; I was a bit shocked at how hard it is to find a seller. I did not realize how scarce these pedals truly were.
If people are so satisfied with their Model R's why not make more? Are the collectors being protected at the expense of the artists? I really hope not. If more are made you would still have your original one that you can claim sounds better because of the low serial number.

People love to say “They don't make them like they used to”.
If I am patient, someone here or on eBay will be ready to part with one. Eventually, someone here will need to pay for college/family vacation/medical bills/car/wedding/divorce/etc...
Anyone have a guess as to whether or not one could be commissioned? I would love to have a Model R Deluxe!
Thanks everyone for your time!