Well ... FWIW ... I see it like this. Even though BJ didn't actually build these pedals, they are his "children" nonetheless. I think it would be great fun to see where it could go, simply because there will be physically MORE of these pedals floating around the world. It would be kinda neat to see how big that registry could get.
BUT ... I do know that Donner does the BJFE registry manually himself. And that's enough work as it is, but it's still likely going to be an easier task because there are so relatively few of them in the world. Tracking the thousands of MP Pedals that will one day be floating around out there will likely be much more daunting.
Perhaps Harri, Eero, et al. at MP should do the registry and have it be a part of the MP website. Something where people could just type their info into fields and submit, where someone wouldn't manually have to update.
Just my two cents, but I would like to track where BJ's children go around the world. I think it would be fun!

Get in where you fit in.