My favorite way to use the PPF is to drop my strat's volume knob down a couple notches to 7 or 8 and then play bar chords- gives me a JCM 800 type of crunch when playing bar chords.
With this setting it's perfect for blasting power chords Johnny Ramone style!
PPF sounds more of a distortion than a fuzz this way and its versatility is what keeps it on my pedalboard!
I even risked taking it with me when I played in South America in April because I just needed that sound!
Luckily it made it through in my checked luggage. It helps to have your suitcases encased in that plastic wrap that the guys at the airport charge ten bucks for
Although TSA DID rifle through my stuff.
I am amazed that they didn't pull me over when they found my Barber Dirty Bomb in my stash of pedals!