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Postby The Masked Marvel » Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:27 pm

Doing research on my LGE actually caused me to run across this place! Nice to see Donner from the good ol' Musictoyz days...

Anyhoo, I tossed my LGE up on Ebay. It's serial #006, and there were apparently only eight (?!) made. It's a great box, but I favor darker sounds these days. So off it goes!

Here 'tis:

http://cgi.ebay.com/BJFE-Little-Green-E ... 4aa9ca39d9

Any questions are welcome from you forum folks. If there are any other photos you'd like me to take, let me know! Thanks!
The Texan turned out to be good-natured, generous and likable. In three days no one could stand him. -Josepf Heller, "Catch 22"
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The Masked Marvel
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Postby Joeleo » Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:52 am

Welcome to the forum! Looks like your LGE is stirring up some crazy dollarz!
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