SteveA wrote:So bobby, since I know you've loved the DRD sooo much over the years and have so much experience with it, are the bearfoots really really like the originals, or is there that little BJ magic pixie dust missing ?

i have had two different early DRD models in the flat red paint......and this Bearfoot DRD sounds damn close to those pedals. i would say 99% the same....
to my ears, it sounds like MAYBE the tone control was revoiced a little bit? i kind of like the tone control on the Bearfoot better....
while i love Mad Professor pedals -- i think these Bearfoot pedals capture the sound and vibe of BJFe better than anything else i have played.
i have always loved Donner's work....and i don't think there's anyone else in the USA who is closer to Bjorn.
both the honeybee and the DRD have really blown me away, both with the sound and the finishes.
for anyone hesitant to order one, don't be -- these are great sounding pedals that are true to the original, with only minor tweaks for the better.