If you can figure out how to hide a mini G.I. Joe or two inside the boxes, you will have all the protection you need against those nasty cloners. The camoprene will surely keep the G.I. Joe task force hidden prior to enemy attack.
Just a thought...
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Donner wrote:thesjkexperience wrote:Camo = camouflage?
prene = neoprene?
ding ding ding !!
Yes I figured instead of gooping the BearFoot line boards I would just camoflage them so the cloners cant find the board
Joeleo wrote:Hey Donner, quick question: will there be a correlation between the order people purchased in and the serial number of the pedal they get? Or is it just random?
Just curious as I'm pretty sure i was one of the first to actually order. It's not really a big deal either way, but it'd be kind of neat to get one with a super low serial #
Donner wrote:Joeleo wrote:Hey Donner, quick question: will there be a correlation between the order people purchased in and the serial number of the pedal they get? Or is it just random?
Just curious as I'm pretty sure i was one of the first to actually order. It's not really a big deal either way, but it'd be kind of neat to get one with a super low serial #
Yes I did them in order of purchase right off my paypal account.....and you are either #1 or #4 as there were two Joels I think
ptbarnum wrote:ordered one today, looking forward to seeing how it compares to my earlier bees!
cool endeavor, Don.
fugot wrote:#29 is finally in my hands... well it was here awhile ago, but i was not..here i mean. anyway ... i will give it a spin in a few hours...![]()
so, hopefully, the st louis team got put through their paces and now we can get on to other pedals as well...maybe you could make the announcements here for new pedals on monday mornings, say around 11 am??? it would give you almost all week to make the post office run. and well, it would cut down on how many times a day i would have to keep checking back in here. (not that i am compulsive or anything, or anything, or anything).
thanks once more... mike
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