Donner wrote:HA, yeah the Nunya = Sky Blue OD its pretty amazing, the volume control is the only 'normal' control on there ---
I think the FRF and SBOD will step things up a bit for MP - the LGW already existed and the MRD is a specialized distortion, but I think these two new ones will have a much wider appeal.....
Well if you look at the Phaserama Purple Plum and Folk Phaser comparison video you should have a pretty good idea what your in for - the Tiny Orange (Maybe we need a naming contest on this one

) is mostly the sounds of both with the controls of the Plum...
Thanks Donner,
I can't believe, knowing what I know about the other BJFE products, that the MP line hasn't just exploded onto the market. I'm certain the FRF and SBOD will escalate things if not.
Definitely think you should have a naming contest for the "new" phaser...
Tiny Orange is lacking in uummpphhh....should at least be Micro Orange Phaser.... or ...Mini Magenta Phaser...or Little Lilac Phaser.........
...or Power Persimmon Phaser about...Phenomenal Phurple Phaser (silent 'H" in Phurple or course)..or just Purple Power Phaser...
.the Mad professor did use the same name for both versions of the LGW so why not just use Purple Plum has a certain zing to it . Of course, if all the boxes are already painted orange, we have a problem!!
Have a great day...can hardly wait to try the "______" Phaser and the SBOD....