Donner, did you just get the PGC from a retailer or through another source? I am on the list for one which means it could be a l-o-n-g wait for a new one.
I have been playing with the FGC CB at attenuator volumes and am really liking it and having two modes is really useful as well. SO far I like it at 12 Volts, but tomorrow I hope to have some time to play at volume and really decide if I really like the FGC. I do greatly prefer it to the Ruby Red that I was using for a similar function and I prefer the Swart Atomic Boost for boosting pedals, so my SBEQ is just before the compressor.
The strangest thing happened with the SBEQ. I was having problems with thin tone. I was running the SBEQ at the front of dirt, but when I moved it to the end the tone got thicker. It isnt even on! I went back and forth with this and the same cables were used, but the sound is thicker.

What is weird now is with the FGC at the end I dont need the SBEQ at the end. I cant use the Swart on the board since it is battery only though I did see a notch cut, so I guess I could use that funky battery adapter....
I just wish I had a PGC to do a head to head with the FGC. I also wonder if there is any difference between the hand built and the CB.
Gunbarrel Guitars, Evidence Audio wires.