As many of you know I have been tinkering in the world of Cornish which has lead me to sell some of my "non-essential" gear. I really wish I could keep a full collection of BJFE and PC, but for now I have had to find a good balance.
This leads me to this - here are my 3 essential:
PGC - one of the most subtle, but profound pedals in the BJFE line - you will KNOW when it's not there. I used to mount mine on the bottom of my board (to save space) at the end of the chain and leave it on always with the compression set at about 10 o'clock. I sold it, and now traded my ALF for another. I'll never let it go again.
SBMV - nothing like it and a really cool watery lush modulation with a great vibrato kind of thing at higher speeds. Great tone thickener too.
Model ? - hopefully, I don't get

for this, but I sold my HBOD after picking this up. They are different pedals for sure, but have similar drive levels with the MG having slightly more drive and harmonic content. It also has a tighter feel to it than the HBOD. If I were to speak in terms of SAG, I'd say the HB is a tube rectifier and the MG is a solid state rectifier. It also works great as a touch of gain cleanish boost and drive smoothener for other drives.
If you could only have three what would they be?