So here's a photo for those interested.
I'm actually going to be in Texas (for an interview

) from Thursday through Sunday so I figure I might as well sleep on the decision until then. I just sat down with it (bad move when considering selling...) and it just KILLS stacked with the SYODv1. It's OK for me on its own but those two together make the most amazing ROCK distortion tone ever. I wonder if I could get them reboxed... hm... or maybe put them on a looper to kick them both in at once... anyway, I'm going to sleep on it. I have a new BJFe drive on its way as well so I'm going to A/B the two to be sure of what I want to sell. Don't want to have sellers remorse over this one
And for those of you with the v1 and v2 (not sure who still has both) try the v2 with volume at 9 and treble and drive at about 1:30 or so into the v1 with volume and treble at 9 and drive cranked. Talk about RAWK. This thing gives my single coil strat some BALLS!

(and yes, that's part of my finger in the shot...
