OK I'll start...
My "reserach" was performed with a strat with lollar tweed pickups (low output single coils) into a Carmen Ghia 1x12 with AlNiCo Celestion Blue
This pedal rock and roll through and through. It has a biting top end and a full low end. The drive knob takes it from nearly clean to light distortion which is great. The treble knob is really only useful below 12 o'clock as the treble becomes to much of an "ice pick in the ear" beyond there. I really like this for power chords and rhythm and it works pretty well for leads (although I think the MHv2 is better in that application). Given the chance to only have one of these I think the v1 has more of "that" something special for me so I'd have to go with it.
Favorite Setting: Volume: 9:00
Drive: Maxed
Tone: 10:00
This pedal makes me think more of a mid gain OD for bluesy tones. It is much smoother than the v1 and seems to have more mids. The drive knob takes it from nearly clean to light a pretty crunchy OD but not into the distortion territory. The treble knob is useful below throughout most of its sweep and I prefer it above noon. I really like this transparent lower/mid gain OD for blues and rhythm work. It's a really great OD but seems to lack that "special something" on its own. That said, I think this thing REALLY shines when stacked with other drives. I have tried using this to push the front end of the SYODv1, MHv2, MHv1, and HBOD and each application has been awesome. This pedal really brings out a fullness in these drives that makes them much richer and fatter. I can't say enough how excellent this is for stacking. What I can say is I've never heard anything retain all the clarity with the added fatness when pushing other OD's. This is where the SYODv2 really shines.
Favorite Setting: Volume: 9:15
Drive: 1:30
Tone: 1:30
Now all this leads me to my overall thoughts and comments on the research experiment...
Sparkling Yellow Uber-Drive (SYODv2 > SYODv1)
As I've stated in my potential FS thread, these two pedals sound really great on their own as OD's but stacking the two (SYODv2 into SYODv1) creates the fullest thickest rock distortion tones I've ever heard while still maintaining much clarity

. It's hard to describe but power chords just jump off the fret board and the drive is very tight and crisp. If I were to give a recommendation on the future of this line I would say these two should be worked into a cascading circuit to form the most incredible distortion in the BJFe line (IMO of course

). I think the two pedals' EQ's compliment each other perfectly and really give this thing a thick full tone. Having tried the DRD, EGDM, MHv1, MHv2 and both SYOD's I have to say that none of them alone come close to touching the power, tightness and fullness of the SYOD's together. If there is any remote chance of this being a possibility (including if Bjorn would rebox my two into a slightly larger enclosure) I would be the first on board. I envision the following controls...
Volume knob: Controls the total output
Gain Stage 1 knob: SYODv2 Gain
Gain Stage 2 knob: SYODv1 Gain
Tone knob: SYODv1 Tone (with modified sweep to cut off some of the extreme top end)
Internal Trim Tone: SYODv2 tone.
That would (for me) really be the be all end all Distortion pedal.
Oh, and if you're interested in settings for the stack, the individual "favorite" settings listed above stacked v2 into v1 should get you pretty close and then just roll back the treble on v1 if it gets too harsh.
Thanks again Donner and Bjorn for sharing these with us. I know that I have learned a lot from this experience and hopefully my "reviews" will help this progress. And seriously if there's any possibility of the Sparkling Yellow Uber-Drive coming to fruitition I'm in.