jdandry, I am not feeling well

and looked back at my earlier post and corrected some acronyms that I

up. It should read correctly now.
What is a G-16t tweed? Can you reference it to any Fender? i.e. Deluxe, Bassman, Super, Twin? Tubes and speakers?
I use my wife's 5f1 Champ ( 1x8 Weber alnico sig), my 5e3 Deluxe w/Blue, and a borrowed, but soon to be mine Bludotone 4x12 Bassman. Everything in my signature sounds great through the Bassman and a clean 5e3. But, when I crank the Deluxe and Champ into OD the EGDM > SBEQ rules! You can run one as an EQ and the other as a boost or vice versa. If it is convenient run the EGDM & SBEQ at 12 or 18 Volts which firms up the attack and moves the center frequency higher removing the mud. I suppose adding Volts to a HBOD could do the same thing, but I haven't tried it thought I should!
Gunbarrel Guitars, Evidence Audio wires.