Been building and hacking pedals and circuits for a couple years, and have just discovered the Mad Professor stuff - picked up a Mighty Red Distortion - very nice. I like the mids on this pedal a lot. I'm happy to read on this forum that the BJFE/MP stuff is designed with the guitarists' amp in mind. Seems to be a very natural and commonsense but overlooked way of designing circuits.
I am interested in what would be recommended to suit the following - customised Telecaster with medium output humbuckers into a vintage Orange OR120 120watt head run slightly crunchy/dirty, into a 4x12 cab with Vintage 30's.
I am after the basic 3 stages of dirt for this amp/guitar rig -
1) open chord/barre chord rhythm crunch
2) higher gain solo/higher neck inversion sound that can be used also for heavy/higher gain rhythm
3) overall boost/mid frequency kick for more guts if needed.
(I'm breadboarding fuzzes to find what I like best - a journey in itself!)
Thanks for any input.
Which MP pedals would suit what I'm after?