I finally had a bit of time with the El Cap and it now sits on the board kicking off the Nova Delay and the DBD. The El Cap can do the DBD sound pretty well and due to the true analog bypass the El Cap sits where the Nova sat. I knew the D/A converter in the Nova wasn't perfect, but I loved the delay a lot and still wish the Strymon had reverse and Ducked/dynamic delay as those were some of my go to delay sounds for Blues/Rock. BUT, when I took the Nova out of the chain, and put the El Cap in, the dynamics increased at least 100%! My BJFe pedals now sound even more bouncy and juicy! The only downside is the El Cap isnt stereo in, like the Nova was, so I lose the stereo flanger sound from the Orbit.
So, now I get to learn more about the ins and outs of tape delay simulation, but what is really cool is the new possibilities of the sound on sound setting(s) and it can also do the magnetic drum delay which I feel captures that early Pink Floyd delay sound. I also use a tweed deluxe, and have a Bludotone Tweed Bassman on order, so the chance to add reverb with a saturated delay, that is similar to what the DBD does, creates a huge ambient solo sound. So, the big selling points are many for the El Cap, but it wont do everything I would like. But with faster processors and the clever Geeks at Strymon there may come a day....
I am going to keep the Nova Delay around for the sounds I like, but I will use it with a stereo splitter, so I can keep it out of the signal path. I think the DBD will be up for sale to help pay for the El Cap.
Now I need to wire an extension cord internally from the plug in front of the PP2+ to the underside of the board so I just need the one plug to power everything. Even the PP2+ cant power two Strymons and a Fulltone MDV-2

I hope to power the MDV-2 with the extension cord to a wall wart under the board.
Gunbarrel Guitars, Evidence Audio wires.