Well here's what I ended up keeping and what I didn't and why...
HBOD (light OD) - I am keeping this one for sure. I was up in the air on it for a while but I found the perfect place for it in my rig. I will be using this as a dirty rhythm tone for some great country and blues style rhythm. I play strats (the current one has lollar tweeds - very low output pickups) so this one doesn't get pushed too hard. It just adds some hair and some grind to my clean tone.
SHOD (light OD) - I just can't make myself let this one go. It rivals the HBOD for the low gain OD sounds. It's just got this sparkle and cleanness to it that I can't get rid of. This one will probably get swapped with the HBOD from time to time. It doesn't take drives as well as the HBOD but it is just so tight and clean on its own in perfect contrast to the spongy loose sounds the HBOD can produce.
SYOD v1 or v2 - not sure yet... still waiting to find out where my v1 is... (mid OD / light Dist) - I really like the smooth sound of the v2 and the v1 demos so far have been great. This one seems like a great overdrive to light distortion with the gain up. I have been running it with the volume at 9, treble at 2 and gain at 2 and it sounds fantastic. It sits plays well with the others on my board and really just sounds right to me. Very smooth and full.
Klon Clone (boost)built by a friend of mine. This is just a great boost that really fattens things. I can't sell this one and wouldn't anyway since it sounds so great!
4. Still searching for the right distortion tone...
Skreddy Mayo - what more can I say... best muff clone I've ever played. Really cuts through for great singing sustaining lead tones.
6. Still searching for the right vintage fuzz tone...
Letting go:
Analogman True Vintage OD9 - I really liked this one and wanted to keep it but the other OD's just out performed this one. It's great for a mid boost to push your amp, but the Klone won out in this use. It can also do some great light OD but it got muddy and wasn't as nearly as open or dynamic as the HBOD so this ones gotta go...
DRD - fantastic distortion but I couldn't really bond with it on its own. It sounded best pushed by another pedal

, probably due to the fact that I use single coils and can't really give this enough of a push without the help of a boost. I loved it once I got it going with a boost but I can't have 2 pedals for one sound. Wish I could get another one of these that played better with my pickups...
EGDM - another fantastic distortion. This one was best with power chords and rock rhythm stuff. I loved the compression there, but when it came to lead tones and stacking with the SYOD or HBOD I just couldn't get it where I wanted it to be. Again, I would love to keep this one for rhythm only but can't justify 2 distortions, one rhythm one lead.
MH - I have to say, alone, I could not bond with this. It sounded somewhat harsh to my ears. That being said, not one other distortion could touch the Model H when it came to stacking. With the SYOD or HBOD this thing just gave the right push and distortion to send them to tonal heaven. If I sell the others before this, I may consider keeping this one to stack with my lighter OD's for a fantastic distortion but for now it's up for sale. Again, I'd like a standalone OD if possible but this one truly sounds amazing stacked into another lighter drive.
CAF - I would LOVE to keep this one but I don't use the tones this thing can make in my typical playing. It was probably the best sounding and "funnest" fuzz I've had the pleasure of playing

but it just never found its way into my music. I wish I could afford to keep this for its fun and amusement factors but I'm trying to keep it simple for now. If I come across another down the road that's beat up and on the cheap I'll probably buy it, but at this point I think I would benefit from continuing on my fuzz search.
I'm also on the fence about selling my Mad Professor FGC. I am not a huge compressor guy but man does this sound sweet when I'm in the mood for compression... Sigh...
So there it is... what I'm selling, what I'm keeping, and why. I really had a good time testing all these out and hope one day to be a little better off so I can afford to collect more pedals so I can have more flavors to pick from but for now, I think I'm better off searching for "my tone" and letting the other drive flavors go for now. Thanks for the support guys

. It really does bum me out that I have to let these go, but I am in no place financially to have this much invested in pedals
