Got the lovely twins yesterday--Thanks Donner!! Had a chance, short of a demo which I'll hopefully get to this week, to fire them up at gigging+ levels for a while to really let them breathe and hear what they do side by side.
Here's what I found:
First off, as has been previously noted...hats off to Donner

for these outstanding looking bright yeller bricks. They are almost luminous and will light up anyone's board in more ways than one.
It's cool after about a year ago, having won a SYOD V2 to see them side by side, as Donner noted, the older ones have the Gold Top going on, whereas these are pulled straight from the yellow brick road.
Equipment used was a LP R8 and a '94 Matchless SC-30 head through a matching open back
2x12 loaded with Matchless voiced Celestions(25 and 30 watt). I used both channels which are completely different sounding: Channel 1, the dual triode, toothy, fangy, sparkly, chime channel, and Channel 2, the EF86 pentode full, bold, and thick, with a 5 way mid cut switch set in the middle(not too lean and not to thick)--GREAT for dialing in the right frequency response no matter what guitar/pick configuration.
Having been familiar with V2, I will start there:
This overdrive it hotter than a stock HB, leaner in the low mids, and more American rock and roll sounding as I mentioned in other threads, though to me I don't associate it with a vintage Fender amp overdrive per se--out of the tweeds/blonde/browns, and blackfaces, I think it is most reminiscent of a cranked Vibrolux Reverb, even more than a Deluxe Reverb, because of the 2x10 configuration...
V2 is the more focused sounding of the two, tighter but not too tight, and smoother sounding, but still gritty like an overdrive should be--I feel what excels on V2 is the treble control...REALLY well voiced, a lot of use-able range though out to dial in to taste, and even when maxed it has sparkle but is not harsh.
On it's own it instantly comes across because all of this, as very riff friendly and excellent for R&R chord chunking.
It has attitude and a feel that begs you to want to dig in, especially when turned up drive and volume-wise, that makes you want to fully explore the dynamics, but yet is still is refined in character(in a very good way) overall.
In this manner it is pretty complete sounding--my only wish would for it to have about 20% more gain, just to be able to ride the threshold of openness and compression more, though as I "illustrated" in my first audio demo, that when hit upside the head with a little BPB love, those goods are easily unleashed, and noise levels as such are entirely reasonable for what your getting.Now on to V1--I took a chance on this one, since I was so pleased with V2, but like most all things BJF, the curiosity got the better of me..."Analog Hog" mentioned his preference for V1 over V2, when used with his Marshalls, and that stuck in my mind...with all that upper mid energy and presence coming from a Marshall, why go for more of the same (as I had only read about up to that pont) with I know why.
Instantly it's zingy sonic signature wants to stand up and be heard--I will hit it right up front that the treble control has a much limited use-able range( CCW to 12-2 'o clock max in either channel) before the slice becomes just too much for this circuit(and this is with humbuckers and a Paul)--yes, maybe more use able through a darker set-up, but all things being relative here, V2 easily out performs V1 in this area.
Quick note:On Channel one of the Matchless there is a most prominent upper mid response that can be contoured a bit with knob twiddling an/or pre-amp tube swapping--Channel two actually ducks some of that upper mid and treble bite in comparison without sounding dull at all.This all being said...I LOVE V1!!

...these pedals are two different animals, and the differences become more apparent the more you crank them up.
First off, having them side by side, and spending the time at the volume I did, I will say without question on the pair I played through, V1 is obviously the higher gain of the two, and you can instantly feel that in the sustain and compression--nothing psychological about IMO.
Yes, it is more open sounding, yes it is more "sparkly", but at full drive with 'buckers it's very close to a distortion pedal in gain.
Must be Bjorn's healthy dose of Swedish fairy dust, that still gives it a most discerning and undeniable overdrive grit which keeps it sounding as such.
V1 is also ballsier--it has way more slice, but it doesn't sound thin at all. It is also more aggravated sounding in the mids to upper mids than V2, and actually looser sounding--the sizzle I'm hearing has less to do with the EQ, and more just a quality of the circuit/overdrive characteristics--kind of reminds me of the sort of rattle in (not surprisingly) the immediate decay quality of a sizzle cymbal( a crash cymbal with rivets) in a MOST pleasing way--in fact, when I tamed the treble to taste through either channel, it was downright infectious, and very inspiring...I did NOT want to stop playing! I found that there was still a fair amount of range considering in the treble pot, to where from about 9 'o clock or so, to 12 or 2(again depending on what channel) it still was open sounding(relative to this circuit which is already very open sounding), before it got a bit much.
Funny, and no surprise, I will note that when I dimed the treble through either channel, although terribly bright, it was still a PLEASING brightness and not ice-picky harsh sounding.
In closing, I could say and agree with the reviews so far, that a V1.5 merge of the two would be cool, in maybe say a four-knob version that had a nature knob for the mid voicing, and a treble or voicing pot for adding in degrees of desired openness.
My initial thoughts though are the opposite--I think that they might be best served as two separate Sparkling Overdrives with minor tweaks...maybe a bit more gain(thinking of lower output pick-ups here) with a TOUCH of openness for V2, and really just a re-voiced treble pot or maybe nature pot to get more mileage out of the voicing for V1.
I will get into stacking in follow up demos as well.