OK. I'll go first, I put a lot of time in with these this weekend. More superb work by Bjorn as you would expect. My fingers hurt...
OK first off - Killer killer job on the finish Donner! Nice sandy/sparkly finish and striping. Gorgeous pedal and fantastic job there.
My setup-- Gibson Les Paul R9, Mesa Electra Dyne 1x12. This amp and guitar are bass heavy. Used bridge pickup with full vol/tone knob settings. One lava mini elc connecting them, and two EA Forte cables for connecting guitar/amp. I had previously tried V2 and **LOVED** it. Here's my take now that I've tried both side by side.
What they have in common : These both sound (as the name implies) very much like a pushed Fender, like a cranked Deluxe. Both have the same dynamics we've all come to expect from Bjorns drive pedals, cleaning up well with soft touch and/or lower guitar volume. The treble knobs seems to act as its name implies as well, but the key here is that unlike many "treble" or "tone" knobs, these are very usable in almost the full range. the one exception would be V2, below say 10:00 its just too bassy for my rig. Both pedals sound great even with the Treble knob fully CW. Both pedals do have more volume when the drive is cranked... on most of my other BJFe drives the volume is constant as you vary the drive. Not a bad thing, just worth noting
V1 : This pedal IMO is great for single note leads, very forward and prominent upper mids.. to my ears anyways

. Felt like it had more gain but I think this is psychological and has to do with the "edge" from the high end. For double-stop licks, or chording in the upper frets, there is a certain up front searing quality that goes along with this. But not annoyingly so.. I dig it, but it might be much with a bright amp and/or a strat. Even when dialing DOWN the treble knob, it still has nice edge and brilliance to it, and the in-your-face upper mid focus of it is not dialed out. One bent note up to E in the high registers gave me goose bumps it sounded so good. Also noted slightly more noise also compared to V1 at similiar settings. For heavier palm muted style rhythm, it felt right at home... felt like a more "modern" aggressive sound in this pedal. I kind of think this is a bit like the SHOD with the focus cranked up. Quick attack, an "in your face" type of sound. Full chords can sound a bit unclear and shouty...
BOTTOM LINE:This pedal suits my rig best for leads and more recent 80s/90s rock rhythm. Searing blues licks roll out deliciously. Is deliciously a word? Anyways..
V2 : Far more rounded, warmer, and smoother.... even with the treble all the way up it did not have the "focus" that V1 had. Id find use for this more in rhythm work, chording, or a more traditional 60's overdrive type of tune. Single notes dont quite have the sting that they have in V1.
Felt like a lower gain pedal but I think this is due to the fact that there is less upper mids, and is more psychological. The gain is in actuality quite similiar... some psychoacoustics at play perhaps with the change in upper mids. Feels like a more tame pedal when playing, smoother sounding. Probably more useful for more styles in general, as it doesnt have quite as much aggressive feel to it... I can see this fitting quite a few different styles easily.
BOTTOM LINE:This pedal suits my rig best for a wider base, general classic rock sounds, felt RIGHT at home playing Skynard, ZZ Top, Eagles...
I did not yet try any stacking - thats next.
Here are some YouTube clips, tried to get some full chords, riffage, single note bends, etc etc... Enjoy the demo friends!