A few folks may have noticed that the "View Active Topics" link has not been working since I upgraded the server software. Well, mmmmm.... I was going to look at the problem a few weeks ago but, well, I am lazy

Anyway, I finally decided to fix the problem. It seems that from the time that the forum was first created there was a bug in the server software which meant that regardless of the server settings the "View Active Topics" would show all the active topics for every forum. When I upgraded the server software this old bug was fixed, which meant it started operating as originally intended and finally took notice of the server settings. Unfortunately the server settings only enabled viewing of active topics on a few of the forums and hence users of this option only saw a few active topics each time they clicked on the link. Anyway, I have now reconfigured the settings so that it is enabled on all the forums and therefore it should now work just how it used too. This message has been brought to you via roasted coffee beans...and a white wine sauce...