- album - Embed photos from the Gallery.
- ebayitems- Embed a live link to an item currently on sale on eBay.
- googlevideo - Embed a Google video.
- mp3 - Embed a MP3 file.
- mobilemegallery - Embed a MobileMe gallery.
- myspaceaudio - Embed a MySpace audio file.
- myspacevideo - Embed a MySpace video.
- photobucketslide- Embed a Photobucket photographic slide.
- photobucketvideo - Embed a Photobucket video.
- picasaweb - Embed photographs from Picasweb.
- soundclickband - Embed a SoundClick band audio listing.
- soundclicksingle - Embed a single SoundClick audio file.
- soundcloud - Embed a SoundClick audio file.
- youtube - Embed a YouTube video.
- youtube-wide - Embed a YouTube widescreen video.
A full description and demonstration of the audio/video/image BBCodes can be found here Tech Note: Embedding Audio, Video and Image Content. The remaining public BBCodes are as follows: