The MGMV has a unique and wonderful character that's unlike any other vibe pedal I've encountered. It is
not at all a univibe, which is a plus. I like univibes but they're a classic 1-trick device, whereas the MGMV is quite versatile. I can, however, get a nearly dead-on Trower heavy-throb univibe sound stacking the MGMV into my Hartman flanger.
MGMV seems very much a vibrato/trem mix. The closest thing to it that I've experienced is the vib/trem (which can be blended) on my Juke amp.
MGMV stacks really well into distortion fx.
Good luck! I expect you'll love it. I've got a bunch of great vibe fx, including a model 16 Leslie and the Juke and Magnatone amps, and yet the MGMV is always on the gig. Best vibe ever that weighs less than 40 lbs