Donner wrote:8) Thats way to close to real , I aint sayin whos who tho

wait up....beard....a tele....a DRD....and a jackalope...I think I know which is which Donner!!!
thesjkexperience wrote:As for the Mighty KoT (high gain both sides) with stock setup I was less than impressed

, but the Mad Professor is a hard act to follow. I am going to mess around with it a bit more, but I do like the clean boost of the high gain. It has a little SHOD going on without the character, but I am not diggin' the OD sound. I just set it to distortion>Clean boost, but cant play loud now due to everyone sleeping.
Wanna see a magic trick? Watch my KoT turn into a DBD or CAF!

Doesn't Donner's adage about thinking a pedal is great,
then stepping on a BJF hold true!
I waited 2 years for a KOT- Hi gain on the red side.
It just didn't meet my expectation of what I had heard.
In fairness- Mike (Analogman) did email me saying
he has a Fender Bassman where he doesn't get the volume much past 2 for
small indoor gigs.
He said for that with that amp
at that volume-
the KOT would not shine or come into it's own as it should.
So perhaps it's the combo, rather than just the pedal in some cases.
It wasn't doing it for me with a 60w Vibro King.
On a smaller Fender amp it might be something else.
Put any of my BJF's into a toally pristine clean amp- Different story.
from Gilligan's Island to Danger Island.

(Uh Oh...Chongo!!!!)
I like living on Bjorn's Island.
So is the next pedal gonna be called the Minnow or the Coconut Cream Pie

"Size of a Marshall Stack!!!!
Rosan Kobah!!"
("Don't you even think of pulling my donkey's tail........." )