Ok, finally with great assistance from Mr Picard, thank you very much, I'm able to let this demo spin.
What you're hearing is bridge p/u of a Peavy Wolfgang hardtail gold top(basswood body/maple-birdseye maple neck) into channel 1(12ax7) of a '94 Matchless C-30 head into a Matchless 2x12 cab with stock Celestions(25 and 30 watt).
Treble and bass controls are fairly flat(12:00) with a slight nudge on the treble.
What you'll hear is first some clean signal, then the SYOD V2 with drive and treble full up, then being fully blasted(meaning all the way up) with the BPB side of a Deluxe HB.
2nd, is the Deluxe HB, trim-pot maxed, drive maxed and nature at about 10:00(no BPB).
Lastly, you'll hear the EGDM stock with drive full up and voice at about 10:00, then have it also fully blasted by the BPB.... demo all done in one shot replete with foot switch clicks, recorded with my I-pod mic plug-in, without compression, in my studio with overall volume at a fairly loud(about 20 watts).
More to follow!