Thanks for all the positive comments guys, I appreciate it. Yes, three. Got one a while ago, then my name came up on the wait list for Custom Sounds and two happened to be available at the time.
Sold a few things and went for it just to have the opportunity to compare--in the name of research

, and was going to pick the best of the three for my rig and playing stlye.
What I found after a LONG comparative session is that they all sound like Model H's, very obvious, but more a nod to Bjorn's consistency...the cool thing is the personalized touch each pedal gets, and that sounded to my ears, how each was voiced. The one for sale is closer to my first one, slightly lower mids and a crisp top end--the second one that I decided to keep has a bit less lower mids and slightly attenuated top end which makes it more rounder, creamier, and more "efficient" frequency-wise so the grind "speaks" with a different kind of clarity if that makes any sense.
Once I get properly set up to do higher quality video demos, I'll be illustrating hopefully these finer points that detail BJ's magic touch.
And really , the other thing I love about this pedal is that if you gave a player an unmarked, plain-box Model H, and told them this is an overdrive pedal with plenty of gain, they would be all over it.