I can only assume that those of us who are really into these pedals must have some sort of common thread in that we all tend to hear something very special in them that we aren't hearing elsewhere. It has peaked my curiosity as to how these pedals are being applied and amplified.
For a good while now, I've been trying to figure out the ideal amp. I'm convinced it's the Mad Professor Amp, but I also don't have that kind of cash. So in the meantime, I've been trying to find just the right amp to use as a clean but strong and defined pedal platform.
This search has landed me onto a Hiwatt DR103. I'm chiefly a rock guy, and I wanted an amp that would give loud, powerful clean...without being too clean. I wanted some sparkle and shimmer to the sound, while still preserving definition. I wanted a platform for my BJF's to just "melt into" the sound, instead of sounding "on top" of the amp, if that makes any sense. I know I'm not a Fender guy, and that I prefer the British flavor of EL-34 tubes.
This is going very well. My best set-up so far, methinks. I really like the sort of "hi-fi" quality of the Hiwatt, as opposed to Marshall, etc. The sound spread is so big, that a lot of the sonic nuances of my pedals are now coming through...things I hadn't quite heard before when I was using other amps.
Main guitar is a LP-style McNaught, but I also use a Strat. I run the Hiwatt into a Port City 2 x 12 Wave Cabinet, loaded with a pair of those WGS Classic Lead 80 clones that were going for $20 a pop not too long ago. (Great speakers, by the way.)
My BJF's are: Folk Phaser, Dynamic Amber Overdrive, Dyna Red Distortion, Candy Apple Fuzz, Red Rooster Booster, & an MP Deep Blue Delay.
I think I'm right where I need to be.
You guys?