I got my PGC yesterday! Shipped around the world, from Australia to Sweden. Thank you mr strings2wood

I fell in love at first sight. And then again at first hearing

I love the Bobby D-demo setting, comp and body knobs at 2 o'clock. Beautiful compression. Sounding mixed and mastered while playing live. Great for pop and all more "produced" and less raw gigs I think.
Also, the comp knob at 10 is a great setting. Very natural. Just sweetens the tone. More suitable for the raw styles

I found that maxing the body knob brings out a nice bassy thing. Together with raising the volume from about 11 til 1, it kind of makes my tele-single coils become more humbuckerish. Or at least P-90ish, as the treble is still all there. That setting in front of the DRD. That's reeeally nice.

I also have a MP FGC. Very good pedal, although not really as magical as the PGC. I thought I was going to sell it when the PGC arrived. But maybe I won't. I found that stacking PGC > FGC > DRD is very interesting. PGC on a base sound, and DRD with the dist at 12. And then the FGC in sustain mode with maxed comp and pretty high level, around 11. And you kick in the FGC for a solo boost with (almost) infinite sustain. Not a very touch-sensitive stack, and pretty noisy, but really nice, easy and fun to play! Hero sound ...

Any thoughts/settings I should be trying out?