Thank you,
Well I had different goals
Like this
FOCUS: If you start fully ccw you'd be the closest to HB and as you turn cw you dial in more aggression which makes more distortion particurlarly on the D&G strings which makes this sound easierly played with leads and this is a register that is present in some amps and less present in others and therefore during development I thought this would be of use to control between amplifiers and more so than any other register I could think of with the amplifier backline I had at hand.
On some amps Focus could barely be opened from fully ccw while on others the whole range was useful and yet other amps sound felt more alive with Focus at least halfway up- that's be about noon.
To get as close to HB as possible you'd set Focus at barely open from ccw.
SHOD will still though sound a bit healthier as there are fewer distortions going on

NATURE: I gather most users set this at 10:30 as that gives about unity.....turn this ccw for more distortion in the low registers and a looser feel-this makes a clear note harder to play

turn this cw to thin the sound out a bit.
Once at Music toyz Honey Bee created its own myth as there was a demo where a guy played a strat but with a humbucker and he had some distortion........this would not happen with an ordinary strat and because the Honey Bee has its distortion controlled by the input voltage. Rumour had it then that were two Honey Bee versions........
Because with a humbucker there was distortion while with a lowoutput single coil sound was more like an archtop
At shows I have choosen when showing the HB to use a Les Paul since then I can play whisper soft and harder and harder until downwards hard like Johnny Ramone to get people to want to try for themselves.
Have fun