more dyna red madness! in the studio tonite
used THESE TWO guys tonite:

dyna red is up the middle -- all SOLOS and RIPPIN stuff is the DRD, and some rhythm guitar in the middle of stereo spectrum.
check out the track at the top of my myspace:"40 Miles with ruff mix with WIIO and Dyna Red"
this mix has DYNA RED in the middle, doing all the guitar solos and fills.
the WIIO is tracked 3 or 4 times, and are panned pretty much hard left and right.
you can hear the two pedals doing what they do best.
Dyna Red is juicy compressed gainy distortion.
WIIO has a different feel and vibe, more "toppy" less compressed, more lower mid umph, complemented the Dyna Red VERY well.
i was just impressed that it caught Rob's ear, and he rolled with it immediately
give it a listen and see what you think.