Strat-o-lux wrote:and has a heaping helping of BJF fairy dust in it
Well, that would explain it.
Thanks for your comments. Does sound like this might be the comp that I'd find congenial. The inevitable next question: how does it compare to the MP Forest Green? They appear to have somewhat different controls. Similar in character?
This stuff is killing me. Six months ago I'd have said I was pretty much done buying effects forever. Now I've got 2 en route and a serious jones on for the Rocketride Delay. Damn.
well, i finally had a chance to try to Forest Green at NAMM!
actually, i had the ENTIRE MP LINE at my feet there. it was COOL
Forest Green is a LITTLE different. I heard and felt more traditional "squash" with the Forest Green. However, it has the switchable modes, which I did not experiment with.
The pedals are indeed similar in character, but the PGC seems a little bit sweeter and less "squashy", if that makes any sense.
Maybe Donner will chime in, I know he has played both.
I think the Forest Green has the switchable modes so that it would be more traditional, as well as similar to the PGC.
honestly, i have not used a compressor for live gigs for ten years. and i am REALLY loving the PGC at gigs, it makes a HUGE difference in my clean sound, and also works VERY well as a "boost" for dirt pedals