I got the impression that more Folk Fuzzes would have been built if there had been an easier way for those that don't happen to have hardware parts at their disposal to finish of.......some also expressed wishes for painted boxes.
This has now several times come down to the total cost of a unit.
I know from expeerience when the Folk Fuzz DLX 3,5% ran as an article in FUZZ magazine
http://www.fuzz.sethat I got questions about parts for a complete build, and now while the electronics on the pcb were not too expensive, building just one complete pedal in an unpainted box would then in parts land at 1500SEK which was about 220USD at the time......OK sometime ago then

This was comparable to what a BYOC entry level would cost today in retail in Sweden.
Ahum well prices on parts aren't the best in the world in Sweden

Also buying in bulk makes a lot of difference.
OK so it would be easy to see that just a pcb would make an attractive alternative financially.
As a designer I'd like to work from the outside of the box with a sound a behaviour a colour and then what goes on pcb is less important.
I also do not think that the possibility to build something from scratch to fully working in anyway harms the learning process, but instead may expand it.
A major reason for this challange in this thread was to inspire discussion on techniques on filtering and feedback and I would think that will take it's own path.
Ah well first out now is the Soul Sonic Folk Driver. I see some have allready built a unit and I would not doubt some can make their own pcb's aswell as complete pedals.
I think it is an excellent idea with the kits consisting of pcb and parts.
Considering that hardware can be made the same for many things I would propose a seperate thread for mechanical wirings and parts the how to's and where to get et.c.
Shortly I gather the Soul Sonic Folk Driver will be part of a tourbox together with Briggs' hummingbird and sounds can be explored and reported on in actual use.
I also understand that fully built units with a special feature may be available from Soulsonic in time for this.
To conclude I think a complete kit that would allow a fully built unit would be most good while I also see that a schematic may be enough and for some just the pcb.
I wonder if not all can be done to make everyone happy?
Specifically on the Folk Driver: Soul sonic told that he could probably come up with a similar sounding or inspred by unit as compared with the Honey Bee if he had one to listen to and play through.
I believed him and sent a Honey Bee for this purpose. Now I am curious of course, aren't you?
I took a look at the schematic and it's a clever design, with a rather unusual tonecontrol.......
I also told at the time that whatever comes outof that would be Soulsonic's to do with as he pleases.
I told the same to Briggs and I am as curious to what has come from his lab while that would be circuits inspired by the written word
Ah, but let's all have fun and there's more to come