Donner wrote:Yeah Im suprised this one hasnt caught on more ---- its very useful and would cover lots of fuzz territory for most people in addition to coping alot of Muffish and even Rattish tones - it certainly goes into distortion land --- maybe its TOO versatile

me too, Donner.....i had sort of overlooked it, BJ suggested that i check it out. then a fellow forumite on HCFX got one and decided to flip it, so i snagged it. he did a pretty nice video demo of it, and compared it with the skreddy ernie. to my ears, i liked it better than the ernie.
the sound quality is VERY good, and does seem to cross over into distortion as much as fuzz. tone control is VERY useable, LOT of range available.
i am REALLY liking this one, and that's a good thing.....the MP pedals are built really solid, and are a lot easier to replace than the BJF handmade stuff. hopefully, if production increases and the prices can get to $199 street price here in the USA, the mad professor stuff could really take off, sales-wise. i have been impressed with every MP pedal i have owned, and it makes better sense to have BJ tinkering away and designing new stuff, than to have him slaving away building pedals all the time
i'm going back to using an MP LGW as well, i think that once the opamp chip is changed to the one that was in my BJF LGW, i will be happy with that.
and i am on THE LIST for the MP SHOD.......that pedal is gonna be good. i tried to write a really good limerick, but i failed
i will do my own video demo tomorrow and post it in the thread here. for those of you out there who don't like fuzzes very much, this Fire Red Fuzz may change your mind!