These are quick hits vs. a comprehensive review.
-- Equipment used: LP, strat, tele through MP CS-40 and a tweed super
-- Overall, cut to the chase: I think this is a great pedal. I played it for 2+ hrs the night I got it and then played it exclusively thoughout the week. Normally, I use a wide variety of pedals through the week, but I was content to hang with the Flametop. It sounded great with everything I played through. I would put it in the "work horse" category...the type of pedal if you could only take one OD with you.
-- Light overdrive? If I wouldn't have known it was a "light overdrive" I wouldn't have described it that way. It's got plenty of gain in my opinion. While it doesn't have as much gain as pedals like the LGW and the Sky Blue, it still has a good dose.
-- Honey Bee Comparison? The Flametop doesn't remind me of the Honey Bee. While it is a great pedal, it doesn't have the same type of magic/vibe/"it" factor that the Honey Bee has in my opinion. That's not to take anything away from the Flametop. It's just different.
-- BJF comparisons Overall, I don't feel the Flametop represents a huge sonic difference from existing BJF OD's. It's different, but not way different. That's fair though, there's only so many ways to slice the pie.

-- Tone / Music styles I think it's just a great all-around OD. Does choppy rhythm ala Keef really well. Does blues really well. Alt country stuff oozes out of it. Even got some good raw punk tones from it. It's a bit more clear / open sounding than other BJF OD's to me. It's EQ'd very well. I found the whole dial useable. That said, the EQ was not as flexible/magical compared to the Nature knob on the Honey Bee for instance.
-- Suggested changes? None, I think it's great as is. I think it will have broad appeal.
-- Parting thought: I hope I get a chance to have one of these!