2 years ago a group of 3 friends and I went winter camping at a spot in Michoux State Park PA. Its actually a piece of private land in the middle of it that called Tumblin Run that your not really supposed camp overnite but a good few many people do. Everyone is respectful so it works out.
It also holds a old story about some famous robber who would stash his money up at the top of the peak, but that another story.
We go there a few time during the year as its about a 2-3 mile hike to the top. The entire time climbing a trail and rocks next to and up water falls , wading pools and moving water.. There is really only 1 or 2 technical spots which are close to the top, but it does get steep.
Once your at the top it’s a spectacular view of the mountains and valleys with many big rock croppings at the top to climb around on, a few natural sheltered caves too. One could spend the whole day eating wild blueberries and climbing different croppings.
It was below freezing for a few weeks and we knew all the falls would be frozen so we decided to go and do a 1 night excursion as its a pretty cool site.
Well it happen to start snowing that afternoon on the way there which made us a bit late getting started. By the time we were half way up we were all using headlamps as it was getting dark.
We were closing in on the top, where we could set up camp , when my one friend jumped from one rock to another and slipped.
He had severly hurt his ankle. We knew it was sorta bad when he was screaming f- bombs repeatedly and couldn’t get up, but thought it may just be a bad sprain or twist.
He managed to hobble and crawl about another 200yards and we set up his tent for him, gave him all the scotch, and passed out he went. There was no way to try and navigate him down in the dark.
We awake in the morning to our gimp being the first one up and screaming, ' hey you guys ready to go or what, Im in Pain'.
Then we knew how bad he was. We realized he couldn’t walk, much less hike down a steep slippery 2-3 mile hike. So we devised a stretcher, rigged him in it and down we go. Extremely slow, slippin and slidin. The hike down usually takes 30 min- 1hr rain or snow.
It took us over 6 hours to get him to the car. We even had 2 guys that were on the way up in the morning, stop and help us the whole way down. They were pretty stoked as they seemed into surviorman,man vs wild type stuff.
We took our friend to the hospital where they fitted him with a nice cast for his broken foot and we eventually ended a really long day.
The worse part is he got laid off from his job because he physically couldn’t do the work on one leg.
At least everyone is ok now and no real life or death situation, so we all laugh about it now. It was no Everest but very memorable.
Heres a shot from this years hike of one of the smaller falls at the top.