the difference i heard between the new amber drive and the honeybee boiled down to this (from huckles excellent clips!)
the honeybee DOES sound more like a smaller combo amp cranked to ten.
the new amber drive to me sounds like a cranked up fender super or bassman.
i initially like the sound of the new drive better, based on those clips

does not make me like the honeybee less.....
kudos to BJ for getting the "string sound" in there. i can hear the belltone from those fletcher/landau pickups (excellent choice, sir).....another winner is in the making.
i am so far behind the times, still discovering the BBOD and EGDM

but to my ears -- this new amber drive sounded to me what that '67 super reverb cranked up to 6 sounded like with a strat......bigger, clearer, longer, harder and tighter. it's two different flavors for sure!