Inforamation from Svenskt Näringsliv

In a series of educational movies encompassing the swedish society....for better or worse..... ... re=related
Gentlemen enjoy
In case subtitles would be needed those will be provided by the department of silly words and their applications to the modern language State Department of development of international internet relations and modern Swedish Words aswell as the Svenska Ordberedningen and the department of Swedish Words and applications throughout at least 300 years
aswell as department of Silly Dancing and the Department of Equal Rights between Genders with commercial angles et.c and utter,utter, right........and so henceforth a double right equals a left as rather mathmatetically explained......hmmmm right,left.........
An anouncement brought to you from Sweden the middleway
Have fun
In a series of educational movies encompassing the swedish society....for better or worse..... ... re=related
Gentlemen enjoy
In case subtitles would be needed those will be provided by the department of silly words and their applications to the modern language State Department of development of international internet relations and modern Swedish Words aswell as the Svenska Ordberedningen and the department of Swedish Words and applications throughout at least 300 years
aswell as department of Silly Dancing and the Department of Equal Rights between Genders with commercial angles et.c and utter,utter, right........and so henceforth a double right equals a left as rather mathmatetically explained......hmmmm right,left.........
An anouncement brought to you from Sweden the middleway
Have fun