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Dry/ wet rigs anyone? Disscus....

Wed Apr 02, 2008 5:08 pm
by murkat
So, anyone have a Dry/ wet setup?
Currently my rig is....
guitar> pedalboard> old jcm 800>(*)> marshall old 4x12 w/gb's
(*) ='s radial jsx reactor> rane sm26>, Zoom 9050 w/ pedalcontrol> back to sm26> Marshall 9000 50/50 watt pwr amp.
My pedalboard is different every week, but its based on old school swirly stuff and BFJE drives and a wah.
Guitar> Looper, tuner out. bypass. Kill. 6 loops. BJFE's SYOD>mdl R> EGDM> HBOD> dunlop Classic Wah> Shannon Phaser> MA 77' Flanger> jcm
I like the old school tones and drives upfront, and add delays and reverbs and maybe some nutsy stuff in stereo to the wet side. The Zoom unit is 80's old school (the rak mount car stereo looking thing) but actually works very well, esp the detunings, pitch, and harmonizing is very good with little redundancy.
I have been looking at TC Elc. stuff for spillover capabilities, etc. but that be more money.... whatchya got?
Re: Dry/ wet rigs anyone? Disscus....

Sat Apr 05, 2008 10:46 am
by Donner
I run a sort of wet and wetter rig when I do stereo....
I would run
Vox V15 (2 - 10s) sitting ontop of
Deluxe Reverb
at the end a stereo Dunlop UV1 chorus (vibe to the under DRev - chorus to upper V15) on a slow roll
then use the BPB to flip the phase on dry channel of the DRev and delay goes just to reverb channel
so you have a nice image with the vox and Rev channel and then the clean channel is boosted for leads as it also has more mids then the rev channel....
sounds complicated but its very functional once you get it balanced

Re: Dry/ wet rigs anyone? Disscus....

Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:52 pm
by murkat
WoW Donner, just you and I, and no disscussion at all. Maybe I can fire it up.........
How do the rest of you utilize your effects in the chain of events? you cant be all that shy and boring? Or.......... can you........?

Re: Dry/ wet rigs anyone? Disscus....

Wed Apr 09, 2008 1:31 pm
by occy
I'm not familiar with wet/dry rigs. Help me out ? I have a wet/dry shop vac.

Re: Dry/ wet rigs anyone? Disscus....

Wed Apr 09, 2008 4:24 pm
by Donner
I think alot of guys dropped the stereo rig thing ---- you cant hear alot ofthe imaging in a bar band,,,, and it gives you a false sense of being interesting - when you hear ping pong and the audience heres mush......

Re: Dry/ wet rigs anyone? Disscus....

Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:45 pm
by murkat
unless your the only guitar player in a three piece band

Re: Dry/ wet rigs anyone? Disscus....

Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:09 pm
by zion
That's the way I roll...I use the line out on an attenuator into another amp for some stereo sounds, especially modulation. I just replaced that amp with a rotating speaker amp and is just sounds killer. I was running a memory man between the attenuator and the stereo amp, but no need now with all the swirling going on. It's got a footswitch to switch between slower or faster speeds (which are knobs on the amp), and a switch to stop the rotation so it's a typical speaker cab. Not to mention it has a tube pre-amp which can dirty the swirly if needed. I love playing this type of setup! With stereo pedals, they just come alive.
Re: Dry/ wet rigs anyone? Disscus....

Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:36 pm
by murkat
Zion, do you use a hotplate and line out from it while attenuating?
Re: Dry/ wet rigs anyone? Disscus....

Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:42 pm
by zion
Hotplate indeedy!
Re: Dry/ wet rigs anyone? Disscus....

Fri Apr 11, 2008 7:08 pm
by murkat
I use to attenuate my Komet, line out with a Hotplate. Sold the Komet. Sold the Hotplate. The Hotplate was "okay", but the line out kinda bugged me... When I would attenuate, I would have to compensate the line level, turning up or down per att. change. So now I just use a radial jsx for my Marshall. Man, what a great line out device. My Marshall output tone sounds exact thru the JSX feed. My next project is to make a dummy load or a silent cab for after the jsx to to nut with the wet....