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3 BF Red Rooster descriptions

Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:55 pm
by colourtones
Any chance bjfe forumites could have some preview description of the upcoming 3 rooster releases?
I am going to toss my hopeful speculation statement/question in the ring.
The bjfe RR is a boost powerhouse with the knob fully ccw which gets more muscular and gainy/grainy as you crank it up.
Would one of the 3 have a lower gain/volume enabling sub-unity gain to unity gain to beyond settings?
Re: 3 BF Red Rooster descriptions

Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:05 am
by colourtones
And which will come first: the Roosters or the Uber?
Re: 3 BF Red Rooster descriptions

Mon Feb 03, 2014 1:23 pm
by colourtones
I should have looked on the main discussion page where ak47 posted:
From BearFoot facebook:
Rooster: looks like we will have 3 variations - this was Ken Fischers' favorite booster and he likened the variations to swapping different brands of preamp tubes ... the RRB has 33 db of boost- same as adding a preamp tube stage to your tube amp ..... and if youve ever swapped tube brands and heard the difference between Amperex and Telefunken or even just Chinese and Russian tubes youll get the span of the 3 Roosters.....It has the basic EQ of a bridge pickup with upper mid push and top end sparkle.......
So my follow up question:
Is the span of the 3 roosters purely an eq shift(i.e. Telefunken, Mullard, Russian, Chinese, etc)or is there a gain component to the variance?(i.e. 12AX7, 5751, 12AY7, etc...)
Also, super excited for the uber bee
Re: 3 BF Red Rooster descriptions

Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:53 pm
by colourtones
I just ordered the 2 of 3 RRB.
Will be my 2nd BF 1st being the Homey Beeatch.
Stoked to check this one out!
Re: 3 BF Red Rooster descriptions

Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:24 pm
by ak47
colourtones wrote:I just ordered the 2 of 3 RRB.
Will be my 2nd BF 1st being the Homey Beeatch.
Stoked to check this one out!
Bee sure to let us know what you think!

Re: 3 BF Red Rooster descriptions

Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:43 pm
by colourtones
Yes I will. I have had the BJFE and it was stout. I am hoping the #2 type will be a little tamer. From the description I am encouraged. As soon as it lands.......
Re: 3 BF Red Rooster descriptions

Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:08 am
by cosmonaut
On BF's site RRB #1 is supposed to be equivalent to BJFe's current RRB. What would my BJFe RRB (serial #111) be considered? a current or transitional version?
All I know is that at 2 o'clock it unleashes the beast from within whatever follows it.
Re: 3 BF Red Rooster descriptions

Mon Feb 10, 2014 1:01 am
by thesjkexperience
My favorite RRB was sn 51 which I remember being slightly warmer than the two I had in the mid 100s. The new price on one knobers is just great news for my ears, but still not so much for my wallet.
Re: 3 BF Red Rooster descriptions

Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:50 pm
by thesjkexperience
Is curious about number 3 now since Donner said it is his choice for hitting a dirty amp. I want to try it, but I really don't need another pedal!
Re: 3 BF Red Rooster descriptions

Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:13 am
by colourtones
My #2 BF RRB landed tonight. I realized something as I was playing with it. I have never received a new or used bjfe or bf product that was disappointing! The BF RRB v2 continues this tradition. Tested with a strat at 9v, 12v and 18v. I like the sound at 12v best then 9v and finally 18v. This pedal was what I hoped it would be and more. From full ccw to-approximately 11:00 it feels like a great full range boost; very similar to the sound and common clean use of a Klon with a more balanced eq. Bigger and badder. At high noon the breakup starts and proceeds until fully CW. The volume(and this bad boy cuts)increases from ccw to about 3:00 and the last quarter just adds grit. For me he sweet spots are between 9 and noon in the clean boost to light breakup range. This pedal is voiced superbly and woul be extremely useful for a wide variety of musicians from jazz to country to blues to all shades of rock. Later on I will check it out with humbuckers and stacked into HBOD's and others.
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