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Joe Bonamassa in Hawaii

Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:27 pm
by hawaii121
Well, I'm a bit annoyed as there was no real promotion of this meaning my tickets are not as good as they should be, but... Joe Bonamassa is playing at a relatively small venue The Hawaii Theater on October 13th, should be a great show. Great time to come and visit Oahu. I am very much looking forward to hearing him live. Now, if they can only get Mark Knopfler to come out here!
Re: Joe Bonamassa in Hawaii

Sun Oct 14, 2012 6:21 pm
by hawaii121
Bumping my own thread here...
Show was last night and I would dare say it was officially in my top 5 all time best concerts. In spite of using some locally rented amps that sounded a little muddy at times (if only he had a SBEQ), his playing was spectacular and his voice was better than I have ever heard him (go figure)...
Started the evening with an acoustic set and followed it with a wonderful mix of old and new material. The Hawaii theater is a small place 1500 total people, so every seat was good. Clearly, he and his band love playing together and it felt a lot like sitting in on a jam session. Lots of incredibly dynamic playing and creative use of volume and silence - top notch professional playing.
If I were going to be on the mainland anywhere for his upcoming shows, I wouldn't hesitate to go see him again, I highly recommend checking it out.
Re: Joe Bonamassa in Hawaii

Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:50 pm
by thesjkexperience
Supercool! Nothing like a fantastic concert to sooth the soul!
I know so many people who have tried to "turn me on to" Joe, and I do like him, but for some reason I just cant jump in with both feet. However, if you guys havent heard the Beth Hart & Joe Bonnamassa LP is just as good as it gets for modern blues!