Re: Any NOS junkies over here?

Thanks to Donnel
I have had the fortune to try an NOS Mazda Silver Plate 12AX7 in position V1 of my Bludodrive and............................................... it has been an AMAZING experience!!!!! I loved my Bludodrive before but it is a whole new love affair going on now!!!!!!!!!! I had to take a double take when I powered back up after inserting the Mazda tube
.... Fantastic 3D projection and a warm breathiness that was ethereal............... This was an "Oh My God" experience believe me....................
I now am rethinking about the idea of putting my GEC KT66's in my Bludodrive and seeing if my world is rocked even more!!!

I now am rethinking about the idea of putting my GEC KT66's in my Bludodrive and seeing if my world is rocked even more!!!