Effect by Tym Guitars - I love these pedals (IMG heavy)

I'm going post a thread about Tym effects because.... well, I'm a huge fanboy of these pedals. I'll admit it. If any forum would understand, it's this one.
I have the advantage of this being my local guitar shop so I can easily try stuff when it's available. Tim's a one man business so things only become available when he can build them (along with running a shop and doing guitar and amp repairs).
Not only are they brilliant sounding pedals, but the movie poster style artwork is fantastic. I'd be happy with a board of just BJFE/BF and Tym pedals.
More people should be using these pedals. Especially for fans of vintage style fuzz. Here's the link to his website for those who are interested - http://www.tymguitars.com.au/

I have the advantage of this being my local guitar shop so I can easily try stuff when it's available. Tim's a one man business so things only become available when he can build them (along with running a shop and doing guitar and amp repairs).
Not only are they brilliant sounding pedals, but the movie poster style artwork is fantastic. I'd be happy with a board of just BJFE/BF and Tym pedals.
More people should be using these pedals. Especially for fans of vintage style fuzz. Here's the link to his website for those who are interested - http://www.tymguitars.com.au/