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Re: Okay, we all love BJFE, what else do you use?

Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:58 pm
by cajone5
Some notable ones...
D*A*M Fuzzes (Super Bee, Grease Box)
Cornish Drives (G-2, SS-3)
Castledine Supra-Vibe
Providence Delay 80's
Boomerang III Looper
Re: Okay, we all love BJFE, what else do you use?

Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:48 am
by horsehead75
Mine non-BJF/MP pedals:
-Budda wah
-vintage Mutron III (early 70's)
-Neo Ventilator
Re: Okay, we all love BJFE, what else do you use?

Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:37 pm
by hawaii121
cajone5 wrote:Some notable ones...
D*A*M Fuzzes (Super Bee, Grease Box)
Cornish Drives (G-2, SS-3)
Castledine Supra-Vibe
Providence Delay 80's
Boomerang III Looper
I've always wondered about the Castledine that just looks cool. I was on the list and didn't realize my spam had filtered out my notice until two months later... errrr.... How would you compare that to other vibes you have used? I just reunited with a SBMV and I really love that pedal.
Re: Okay, we all love BJFE, what else do you use?

Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:24 pm
by cajone5
hawaii121 wrote:cajone5 wrote:Some notable ones...
D*A*M Fuzzes (Super Bee, Grease Box)
Cornish Drives (G-2, SS-3)
Castledine Supra-Vibe
Providence Delay 80's
Boomerang III Looper
I've always wondered about the Castledine that just looks cool. I was on the list and didn't realize my spam had filtered out my notice until two months later... errrr.... How would you compare that to other vibes you have used? I just reunited with a SBMV and I really love that pedal.
It's a dead-on clone of an early Uni-Vibe. The BJFe is much more transparent and clear and the Supra is chewy and phasey. It also goes much slower and faster than the BJFe and gets a lot more wobble. I still have the Bearfoot but the Supra is on the big board now. I am thinking of putting the BJFe on a mini board though because I still really dig what it does.
If you are looking for a vintage vibe sound the Castledine is where it's at. For something more clear and transparent, the BJFe is the way to go. They serve differnt purposes for me and it's totally worth owning both

Re: Okay, we all love BJFE, what else do you use?

Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:02 am
by jonnyrocket
To complement my BJFE/Bearfoot/Mad Professor, I also use and love the following pedals:
Teese RMC3FL
Spaceman Gemini 3
Analogman Sunface TI/UK
Himmelstrutz Gramps+
Swart Atomic Boost
Effectrode Compressor
Timmy v.2
T1M Buffer
Himmelstrutz C-Luxe
Wampler Black '65
Barber Launch Pad (as a buffer)
Sonic Research ST-200
I have these pedals because they give me a different flavor than my Bjorn built or designed ones. Soon I'll get to compare the Effectrode Comp with the Bearfoot PGC and see which one works better for me. I like compressors that you don't really notice they are engaged until when you turned them off. I have read so many times that the PGC excels at this.
Since I like fuzz pedals a lot and have tried a good variety of them, I would love for Bearfoot to come out with one.
Re: Okay, we all love BJFE, what else do you use?

Fri Mar 16, 2012 9:14 am
by I am Incinerator
at one time, all I had were BJFe pedals and a TR-2 and a DL-4. These days this is what I have...
D*A*M: Solasound Tonebender MK II, Red Rooster, Drag'n'Fly, and Super Bee
Pig Dog: Loony MK I
Nocturne: Billy Brain w/ "stang" stomp and "big iron bass" switch
Skreddy: Cog Diss MK III
Creepy Fingers: Triangle Muff
Boss: TR-2, DM-3, and a GT-3 (that has been collecting dust for years)
Line 6: DL-4
I am on the list for a few more D*A*M, Solasound/D*A*M goodies as well as a KoT and a Tim.
I am thinking about the Strymon Timeline and El Capistan. I think I have shifted from trem to delay over the years as my other pedal obsession besides dirt and fuzz!
Re: Okay, we all love BJFE, what else do you use?

Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:39 pm
by Donner
non- BJF designed pedals that dont get far from my board:
Hartmann flanger
One Control blender (often put the minivibe and PGC in for clean blending)
Skreddy Mayo (#001)
DAM MeatHead deluxe
SkinpPimp MK3
PTP Toy Box
Ibanez DML
Strymon El Cap and Timeline
Line 6 Echopark,Verbzilla and Trem Panner
Fromel Lush
Rocket Ride Asteroids Chorus
Holy Grail
Re: Okay, we all love BJFE, what else do you use?

Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:43 pm
by cajone5
Yea the octron is an incredible pedal -- I need to pick one up again
Re: Okay, we all love BJFE, what else do you use?

Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:30 pm
by Hulakatt
Yeah, the non-BJFe's on my board...
Analogman. Anything they make in house always sounds just like I think it should and the craftsmanship sets the bar for me. I am always just a little disappointed with the stuff that they just modify though. The ARDX20 may as well be permanently fixed to my board, it's the delay I spent years looking for and then spent awhile hedging and hawing because I didn't want to pony up the cash. In the end I would have saved more by just buying it up front. The Peppermint Fuzz and the AstroTone are superb as well and I am quite taken with them.
General Guitar Gadgets. So far the best way for me to play rare classic vintage circuits without spending years and tons of cash hunting down the best of the rarest. Great stuff! The Orange Squeezer is my grab-and-go for bass and guitar.
Bennet Music Labs Brown Sound. Sounds pretty unique and is a blast to rip! It really nails that cranked-Marshall-with-a-hint-of-fuzz-and-a-little-bit-of-octave. Pure Hendrix! It's like running a DRD and an octave fuzz with a bit of clean blend and a mix between all 3. More of an impossible-to-recreate sound than the BBOD imho.
Vintage Technologies. I've tried a few of these beauties and held onto the Orange Sunshine and I'm still looking for the BFD Tremolo. I love this fuzz. Like a hot rod fuzz face but just a bit more over-the-top. The "no knobs" approach can be intimidating but I love these pedal even more for it.
I have to add in Lumpy's Tone Shop as well. I recently got a good deal on a used Lemon Drop and I am completely blown away.
Resonant Electronic Design. I tried their fuzz and overdrive in a tourbox after I picked up their Graviton Boost. The fuzz was decent and I'm surprised the OD isn't more popular given how good it sounds but the boost is their best pedal by far. The build quality on all of them is fantastic and I totally dig the aesthetic they went with. I keep switching back and forth between the Graviton Boost and my SBEQ for good clean tones. The best way I can describe the difference is that the SBEQ is like a great BF Fender clean while the Graviton is like a great Vox clean.
Re: Okay, we all love BJFE, what else do you use?

Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:50 pm
by ak47
This is how things are looking at the moment...
I guess we all like to paint with many nuances of colour and shade
Pedalboard 1:Foxrox hot silicon
TC polytune
Crybaby wah
Boss NS2 Noise suppressor
Foxrox Zim
HBE psilocybe phaser
TC flashback delay
Cioks Pussy Power Supply
Pedalboard 2:BJFE PGC
Eventide Timefactor
Boss RC-30 loopstation
Voodoo Labs PP2+ Power Supply
Other fun and games...TC SCF chorus/pm/flanger
MXR fullbore metal
Way Huge Swollen pickle Fuzz II
Dunlop Octafuzz
Xotic BB preamp
Boss PS2 pitch/delay
Boss DM2 delay
Boss DD2 delay
Boss MZ2 digital metalizer
Boss SD1 super overdrive
Tech 21 midi mouse
Custom loop/tuner/switch box