Re: cables-n-friends

Thanks for that site! It looks like they sell EA exclusively. One more question! Anyone here try the Forte ?? It looks like the best of both worlds 

hawaii121 wrote:I could never bring myself to do this, but has anyone tried one of the EA amp power cables?
MBT74 wrote:Am I right in thinking that, because I have a Bearfoot Vibe early in my pedal chain that's always on and an always on Fromel EQ right before the amp, there would be very little or no improvement in tone by changing my patch cables to EA?
Don't the always on pedals negate the signal degradation? I vaguely remember reading Bjorn make some comment like this (but I could very easily have been mistaken).
But I might get improvements by upgrading my instrument cables and the the cables between board and amp?
Correct or wrong?