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Mon Nov 07, 2011 4:27 pm
by rockeroo
What is everyone's favorite Big Muff or Big Muff inspired creation?
Why do you like that particular pedal so much?
Re: Muffs-R-Funn

Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:11 pm
by MBT74
Re: Muffs-R-Funn

Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:27 pm
by hawaii121
The Pete Cornish P2 made a fuzz lover of me.
Re: Muffs-R-Funn

Tue Nov 08, 2011 2:48 am
by thesjkexperience
As far as muffs go I like the BYOC Triangle, but I got the Stomp Under Foot Pumpkin Pi early this year and love it! It is based on the late 70's Muffs and does sound a bit like Smashing Pumpkins' Siamese Dream album. What I like is it works great with a clean amp or a dirty one which most Muffs can't handle.
Re: Muffs-R-Funn

Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:26 am
by rockeroo
I ask because I recently bit on a Drive Gate (by Top Tone in Brazil) and traded for a Pink Flesh. Very different designs, I know, but they are pretty nifty in terms of the ground they cover. I can get REAL fat with the PF, while the DG is stellar for warm, smooth, singing leads.
Has anyone experienced these? If so, what thoughts can you offer?
Re: Muffs-R-Funn

Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:27 am
by Joeleo
+1 for the SUF Pumpkin Pi. That pedal is a LOT of fun. I'm also borrowing a friend's SUF Civil War muff, which sounds great, and I was really impressed when I tried out the SUF Green Russian Muff too.
I used to own a Sitori Sonics Harem Fuzz, which I absolutely LOVED, but the dumb thing was so noisy even when it was turned off that I couldn't keep it in my signal chain.
Re: Muffs-R-Funn

Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:07 am
by thesjkexperience
My Pumpkin Pi has serial number 28, so we must be in a pretty select club!
I'd love to try some of the other SUF pedals, but I have so much fuzz and I really don't use it much. Muffs: BYOC Triangle, Pumpkin Pi. Tonebender: Lumpy's Tone Shop MKIII (custom made) and BA Scarab Deluxe. Fuzz Face: Analogman high gain NKT275 Sunface, Fulltone '70 BC108cb (small box). Treble Boosters: Swart Atomic Boost, Plum Crazy Squawk.