Donner wrote:Huge congrats !!!!! Im fond of the saying that having kids means your heart is now running around outside your body --- enjoy !!

Wow! Isn't that the truth!

I have been a full time Dad for over 7 years now and while I have only had a few days off in that time it has been a pretty good ride. I am finally seeing the fruits of my labor in my First Grader's scholastic abilities. Hang in there as the first 9 months are pretty rough, but then it gets really interesting as there is something very new everyday with their abilities.
Advice. Take a lot of pictures & movies!!!! You will forget much of what is going on due to sleep deprivation. Hold that baby!!!! Once they can walk they are not very interested in sitting on your lap unless you are reading a book. If you haven't done so get the book, The Happiest Baby On THe Block and read it! It reads fast and is pretty entertaining. Learning to swaddle well will make all of you happy. Read to her at least half an hour a day!! Right now you can read her guitar mags and the like, but once she can hold her head up have, or start her library. It may seem like a waste of time now, but trust me, my 1st grader has the longest attention span of any kid I know and he is doing 3rd grade math and science now. And finally, keep her away from the TV until she is at least 2!! I had heard this before we had kids, but the local University of Colorado did an experiment with our twins and the final results of their study showed that 3 year olds do not learn by watching TV and it negatively affects their attention span and sleep habits.
I also live by these two phrases I made up: "Never trust a baby" and "anticipation, preparation and distraction"
Oh ya, love her name!
Gunbarrel Guitars, Evidence Audio wires.