Guitar Center Boutique Effects Section ?!?!!?!

it has happened .... what do you think ???
jdandry wrote:As long as quality of the pedals stay the same and they don't resort to lowering standards for quantity ala Lovepedal.
How cool to go to a local store and be able to try out the newest Mad professor offering!
rockeroo wrote:Does this mean GC salespeople will have to actually KNOW something about the boutique products they offer? Or, are the just shinier, more expenisive new hunks of metal for them to sell?
I have loved "picking the brains" of GC salespeople to see what they think a certain amp or pedal might offer. Pretty funny stuff they come up with.
Donner wrote:rockeroo wrote:Does this mean GC salespeople will have to actually KNOW something about the boutique products they offer? Or, are the just shinier, more expenisive new hunks of metal for them to sell?
I have loved "picking the brains" of GC salespeople to see what they think a certain amp or pedal might offer. Pretty funny stuff they come up with.
HA! I think these answers would make a fun thread itself ...... might be fun to get everyone to go to their local GC as see what kind of answers they get .... like point at the BJF design on the MP and go what the hell does that mean and whos BJF ??/