by thesjkexperience » Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:23 am
I have wanted to try the BJFE RRB for years, but am always a little late to the sale. I have the Ruby Red at the end of my chain which I use with the Master cranked, Treble around 11 and Boost around 3. It sounds great into my SST-30 because the tone is so dense (think MH v1 with the drive half way up).
The Treble Boosters like the Swart Atomic Boost and the D*A*M Red Rooster so something different than the MP Ruby Red in that they purposely color the tone. The Swart is a bit of a one trick pony, but boy is it a fantastic trick! The DAM is more adjustable, but always seems a bit too clear. David Main said the new Roosters are a little grittier with more gain. We shall see in a few weeks.
I am glad to the the old bird back as it works much better into my Swarts than into my Victoria 20112 which tended to get too bright when the guitar volume was turned down.
Gunbarrel Guitars, Evidence Audio wires.