Hey Cliff, I have been kind of in a similar place. A year ago, I think I owned about 11 BJFE and I loved them all, but mostly gravitated towards one or two of them. Over recent months, I downsized and was going with a couple of cornish drives and 2 BJFE (at any given time). What I found was that my home needs vs playing with others (jam sessions, rehearsals, VERY occasional gigs) were different. Because of the volume issue at home, pedals seem more important to me for simulating a cranked amp. In a band setting, I might use one drive in conjunction with the amp 90% of the time and then two other drives (usually Fuzz and Distortion) 10% of the time.
Now recently, I purged a whole bunch of pedals including an all time favorite that I hope will surface again in a less $ form. I also sold all my Cornish as I have small box G2, P2, and ST2 (never tried this last one) due at any time. This left me with 1 OD pedal, a delay that also has chorus, a wah, and a clean boost. I would also have a vibe, but that is another story...

yes, that is still dragging on in another form...
Anyhow, all of this in-between pedal time has forced me to tinker with my OD channel in my amp. It's been a really good and liberating experience and helped me further to think about what I REALLY need and use vs what I WANT.
Here's the end of my long tale - for me - good delay/mild modulation, a decent wah (love my area51, but don't bother with all the knobs), solid distortion and sweet smooth fuzz pedal (the PPF is a strong contender to do both), a clean boost, and the most difficult of all pedals... a "more better" or in Hawaiian "mo betta" pedal. The "mo betta" pedal is a light to med OD pedal that makes the OD in your amp sing when played at live volume and fattens your clean tone when you are noodling at home. In my experience, the best I have ever tried - the Model G - to me, it was like a KLON except you can adjust the mids (the "c" knob) and get a more transparent OD boost. Conclusion - good amp OD is what we all want our pedals to sound like, if you can coax it out of your amp in your regular playing setting that's the starting point for everything else. The thing I like about my favorite low to medium OD pedals is not how they play on their own, but how they nudge my amp OD into harmonic bliss.
Sorry for long ramble...