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delay revisited...

Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:49 am
by rockeroo
What everyone's current delay pedal(s) of choice when gigging?
For myself, I run an old DMM and a Skreddy. Have a VMSD, but have gradually migrated away from it. Would anyone recommend a FEOTM to replace either the DMM or Skreddy?
Re: delay revisited...

Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:38 pm
by Joeleo
rockeroo wrote:What everyone's current delay pedal(s) of choice when gigging?
For myself, I run an old DMM and a Skreddy. Have a VMSD, but have gradually migrated away from it. Would anyone recommend a FEOTM to replace either the DMM or Skreddy?
The FEOTM is an outstanding pedal! It sounds phenomenal.
With regards to your first question, I have 3 on my board and use them all pretty regularly: Malekko 600 Bright, FEOTM, Strymon El Capistan. With the favorite switch on the Strymon, it's like having 4 delays, so sometimes I set their times for different songs and then use each of the pedals depending on the song in the set. They all sound different enough or have enough different features that I can really tailor them to the right song.
Re: delay revisited...

Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:48 pm
by cajone5
Currently loving the Moog - it's simple and it sounds great. I also have the Skrecho, Diamond Memory Lane Jr. and an Echoczar/Angelbaby. Of them all I would say the best sounding is the Echoczar / Angelbaby with the Moog as a pretty close second then the Skrecho and finally the ML Jr. That said, I'm not a huge delay user so it's hard to justify having it around at that price tag (or having 4 delays

). Although part of me is thinking of selling all the rest (Skrecho, MLJr, Moog) to justify it... I dunno. But anyway, if you're looking for a beautiful sounding analog delay the Czar is the best of the best as far as I've heard and the Moog is great as well. For a washy oscillating tone under your playing the Skrecho is fantastic and it also plays really well with dirt.
Re: delay revisited...

Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:10 pm
by rockeroo
Fair enough with the FEOTM. I have had one (non-stomp related) pedal failure, and it was a Tube Driver with a bad output transistor. Of course, the creator was glad to repair and ship free-of-charge. It is wonderful to know that these pedals are truly built to last the ruggedness they are expected to endure.
What is the thing that sets apart the echoczar from an old DMM, Skreddy or other notable delay? Is it clarity, integrity, variety or something else? I have never had a chance to play one yet. Sounds like I should fix that!
Re: delay revisited...

Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:32 pm
by cajone5
The repeats on the echoczar are very clear and natural natural, like a true echo. They don't sound digital, muddy, etc. or anything like that which are common complaints with various other delays. They also sit under your tone thickening it and enhancing it without getting in the way. The Angelbaby also adds some neat subtle to in-your-face modulation but I really like the echoczar on its own for the most part.
Re: delay revisited...

Wed Apr 20, 2011 5:56 pm
by jdandry
Chandler Stereo Digital Echo
Re: delay revisited...

Fri Apr 22, 2011 12:25 am
by musicsoma
I have been through a ton of different delays including the two biggies: Korg SDD-3000 and TC Electronic 2290.
Currently I am down to two delays and use an original Deluxe Memory Man for ambiance and an Eventide Time Factor for more pronounced delays (a la Edge from U2).
The thing about the DMM is each one is different. I went through 5+ units until I found my current one. It has a longer delay than the others and is a bit warmer. It is an original from the 1970s (or maybe very early 80s) with the tapered knobs and attached power supply. This and the Korg SDD3K are definitely my favorites, but when I made the decision to stick with a pedalboard, I sold my SDD3K (often wish I still had one around).
The Eventide does a lot of things well. You can get pretty close to a DMM tone as you can use the Vintage Delay setting and dial in the "bit resolution" to create an analog feel. It is a pretty cool effect. It also does a great modulation delay (like the Korg SDD-3000) as well as a really clean digital delay (like the TC 2290).
Re: delay revisited...

Sat Apr 23, 2011 7:21 am
by seans
I agree, I think the SDD 3000 is the king of delays. The next best thing of - all the delays I have tried - is the DMM. I have had a few too and my favourite is an early nineties reissue. It has a really short delay time though, about 460ms but the modulation is sublime. Never had an old original and judging by the big difference in my 70s Electric Mistress with the reissue I dam well should! For me the SDD3000 has been the bechmark and the closest to it in pedal form is the DMM. One pedal I used for some time was the Boss DD20. That is an awesome delay in my opinion and I used it in the loop of a triad (SDD preamp). I did have an Echozar a few years ago and whilst it is an amazing delay I couldn't get the sounds that I wanted: SDD3000!! Same with the Memory Lane 2 - great warm analog delay with tap tempo - but not for me. I do love the skreddy and that does something else entirely. That incredible soupy backdrop. Great stuff and for me it is a keeper. I have tried both the strymons and kept the Brigadier. Sounds close to the DMM, which I think it is modeled on, but not close enough and will probably sell it. I have always been after a delay that does the DMM thing but with tap tempo and a smaller footprint but maybe I am just dreaming. So, suffice to say the two delays on my board are the DMM and the Skreddy going to separate amps.